Off Screen Death
A podcast about all the things we must do before the inevitable. Mostly watching movies.
10 months ago

Larry Crowne (RT 37%)

One host is schooled by the charms of Tom Hanks butt shots.

One host is schooled by the charms of Tom Hanks butt shots.

The other was already well educated in the greatness in LARRY CROWNE but if you missed it in 2011 OR even if you didn't and are pining for that definitive commentary track... here's a podcast on the Julia Roberts and Pam Grier buddy comedy. The few (and I do mean few) ideas we have for improvement on Mr. Hanks second time in the director's chair:

  • Speaking of Ms. Grier why is there not a buddy comedy pairing with Judy Greer as THE BEST BEST FRIENDS?
  • If you find yourself in a romantic pairing with Bryan Cranston's porn addiction does that make Tom Hanks ass more palatable? Further butt shots are needed.
  • And is Rami Malek's performance in this more Oscar worthy than BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY? Likely.

Such is the greatness that is LARRY CROWNE that we will never have all of our questions (or concerns) answered but we keep rewatching it just for you the listener!

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Artwork by Nathan Thomas Milliner

Music by Joplin Rice

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