Off Screen Death
A podcast about all the things we must do before the inevitable. Mostly watching movies.
10 months ago

Patreon Preview of Five Star Christmas (Xmas Kills Us #2)

If you can't remove all memories of your children and take the death leap into late stage capitalism when would be the appropriate time?

If you can't remove all memories of your children and take the death leap into late stage capitalism when would be the appropriate time?

He's not the real David Puddy and there are no little Elaine kicks but there is an AWFUL LOT of information about sassafras candy canes... as well as a candy store heist as a romantic grand gesture but it's mostly deceit and horniness in our second episode of CHRISTMAS KILLS US!

Enjoy Christmas with us ALL YEAR LONG

Instagram/Threads/Twitter: @xmaskillus

Letterboxd: @daveagiannini and @projectingfilm

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