Off Screen Death
A podcast about all the things we must do before the inevitable. Mostly watching movies.
11 months ago

Patreon Preview of The Christmas Promise (Xmas Kills Us #1)

The infinite Christmas Countdown begins here with a cupcake to your face.

The infinite Christmas Countdown begins here with a cupcake to your face.

One can't let July go by without a little Christmas which involves running out for ice for an Ugly Christmas Sweater party and DYING and later haunting your fiancee (but not really) over text as she watches another man smash his face with a Christmas cupcake.

That's what July is all about. This is Xmas Kills Us: Part One of Forever. Support this endeavor to the death at our Patreon.

Instagram/Threads/Twitter: @xmaskillus

Letterboxd: @daveagiannini and @projectingfilm

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